Welcome to my Education Portfolio! 
As you browse through the pages, you will find
everything that I have completed and compiled over the last four years at Bethany Lutheran College. More specifically, you will see how all of my work during the last four years has addressed the required state standards to acquire my teaching license.
Kristen Multimedia-Introduction
Dr. Polly Browne – Professor of Education at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN Email: pbrowne@blc.edu Letter of Recommendation
John Olmanson – Head Volleyball Coach at Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN Email: jolmanson@blc.edu
Mrs. Anna Skidmore – 5th Grade Teacher at Morristown Elementary School Email: askidmore@wem.k12.mn.us Letter of Recommendation
Contact Information:
Phone number: 320-314-2398 E-mail Address: kmielke@blc.edu Address: 8054 Co. Rd. 32 New Germany, MN 55367