Standard Four: Instructional Strategies (Anderson)

Instructional Strategies: The teacher candidate will understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and performance skills.

Image result for let us remember one book one pen one child and one teacher can change the world

Differentiated Instruction Lesson Plan:

This lesson is part of a unit plan that I created in EDUC 444 Methods for Middle and Secondary English Classrooms. In this particular lesson, I focused on differentiated instruction based on the student’s readiness levels. The class was split into three groups that would each get a graphic organizer that allowed them to process the same information just in ways that worked best for their level of learning.

EDUC 310 Annotated bibliography:

This is an annotated bibliography that I completed for this course that focused on why early literacy is important to the development of a student.

Vocabulary Lesson Plan ENGL 444

This lesson is a vocabulary mini-lesson to the start of a unit I created the ENGL 444 Methods for Middle and Secondary English Classrooms. The vocabulary and terms were meant to help the students have an understanding of the book. The other part of the lesson was to interactively engage the students with the material.

Fishbowl Lesson Plan

This is a lesson that I did during one of my clinical experiences. I lead the class in a fishbowl discussion based on the book they were currently reading which was The Giver.

BlockPplans from EDUC 455 

This document is a textbook block plan that I created using the curriculum for 7th grade English. It follows an entire school year and is planned in accordance with what material the student should be learning first to last.

Student Teaching Lesson Plan 

This lesson plan is one that I submitted for my EDTPA. I taught this to the 8th-grade English class which has 22 students.

Mind Mapping PowerPoint 

This is a powerpoint that I created to show the benefits of mind mapping for students. It shows three different platforms that students could use to make a Mind Map.

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