Title Page
This is my Education Portfolio, displaying my work and accomplishments throughout my training at Bethany Lutheran College as I complete my major in Broad Field Social Studies with Secondary Licensure (5-12). My Portfolio indicates that I have completed the following required courses necessary for Licensure, as well as the requirements for each class:
EDUC 200 Foundations/Philosophy
EDUC 210 Linguistics
EDUC 310 Child Psychology
EDUC 370 Exceptional Learner
EDUC 390 Teaching Reading and Writing
EDUC 400 Teaching the Christian Faith
EDUC 401 Educational Technology and Media
EDUC 450 Curriculum Planning and Assessment
EDUC 455 Classroom Management
EDUC 495 Student Teaching
EDUC 497 Student Teaching II
EDUC PTF Education and Professional Portfolio
EDUC TPA Education Teacher Performance Assessment
Personal Information
Phone Number: (608)-778-9129
Email: dnusbaum@blc.edu
Address: 6373 Red Dog Road, Potosi, WI. 53820.
700 Luther Drive, Mankato, MN. 56001.